
class pyjlib.util.stringjoiner.StringJoiner(separator=', ', prefix='', suffix='')

Bases: object

StringJoiner mimics the java.util.StringJoiner class. So, Make sure to also have a look at the Java documentations available here

It is supposed to be similar to the Java version but it would also have some Python feeling to it.

As elements are added to the StringJoiner instance, they are not getting immediately joined. The joining happens only when the object is passed to str() or its .toString() method is called.


  • Creating a default StringJoiner:

>>> from pyjlib.util.stringjoiner import StringJoiner
>>> sj = StringJoiner()
>>> repr(sj)
'{"separator": ",", "prefix": "", "suffix": "", "nelem": 0, "str_length": 0, "elements": []}'
>>> str(sj)
  • Accessing readonly attributes:

>>> sj = StringJoiner(prefix="(",suffix=")")
>>> sj.separator
>>> sj.prefix
>>> sj.suffix
>>> sj.suffix = "["
>>> sj.suffix
  • adding few elements:

>>> sj.add("e1")
{"separator": ",", "prefix": "", "suffix": "", "nelem": 1, "str_length": 2, "elements": ["e1"]}
>>> sj.add("e2")
{"separator": ",", "prefix": "", "suffix": "", "nelem": 2, "str_length": 5, "elements": ["e1", "e2"]}
  • adding an element at a specific position:

>>> sj.add("e1-2",1)
{"separator": ",", "prefix": "", "suffix": "", "nelem": 3, "str_length": 10, "elements": ["e1", "e1-2", "e2"]}
  • you could check how big would be the resulting string by using len() or you could see how many elements are currently within the StringJoiner:

>>> sj = StringJoiner(prefix="(",suffix=")")
>>> sj.add_multi("e1","e2","e3")
{"separator": ",", "prefix": "(", "suffix": ")", "nelem": 3, "str_length": 10, "elements": ["e1", "e2", "e3"]}
>>> s = str(sj)
>>> print(s)
>>> len(s)
>>> len(sj)
>>> sj.nelem
  • you could check if something exists in the StringJoiner:

>>> sj = StringJoiner()
>>> sj.add_multi("e1", "e2", "e3")
{"separator": ",", "prefix": "", "suffix": "", "nelem": 3, "str_length": 8, "elements": ["e1", "e2", "e3"]}
>>> "e2" in sj
>>> "non-existing" in sj
  • You could access each element separately:

>>> sj = StringJoiner(prefix="(",suffix=")")
>>> sj.add_multi("e1","e2","e3")
{"separator": ",", "prefix": "(", "suffix": ")", "nelem": 3, "str_length": 10, "elements": ["e1", "e2", "e3"]}
>>> sj[0]
>>> sj[1]
>>> sj[2]
>>> sj[3]
Traceback (most recent call last):
IndexError: index out of bound. Expected an integer between 0 and 2; got 3.
  • a merge example:

>>> o_sj.add_multi("o1","o2")
{"separator": ",", "prefix": "[", "suffix": "]", "nelem": 2, "str_length": 7, "elements": ["o1", "o2"]}
>>> str(o_sj)
>>> str(sj)
>>> o_sj.merge(sj,1)
>>> str(o_sj)
  • adding two StringJoiner instances: note that the + operator is not cumulative, also, the addition would not change the original instances:

>>> sj1 = StringJoiner()
>>> repr(sj1)
'{"separator": ",", "prefix": "", "suffix": "", "nelem": 0, "str_length": 0, "elements": []}'
>>> sj2 = StringJoiner(prefix="(",suffix=")")
>>> repr(sj2)
'{"separator": ",", "prefix": "(", "suffix": ")", "nelem": 0, "str_length": 2, "elements": []}'
>>> sj1.add_multi("sj1_e1","sj1_e2")
{"separator": ",", "prefix": "", "suffix": "", "nelem": 2, "str_length": 13, "elements": ["sj1_e1", "sj1_e2"]}
>>> sj2.add_multi("sj2_e1","sj2_e2")
{"separator": ",", "prefix": "(", "suffix": ")", "nelem": 2, "str_length": 15, "elements": ["sj2_e1", "sj2_e2"]}
>>> str(sj1)
>>> str(sj2)
>>> sj1_2 = sj1 + sj2 # the sum is not cumulative. You get a different results if you change the order.
>>> str(sj1_2)
>>> sj2_1 = sj2 + sj1
>>> str(sj2_1)
>>> str(sj1) # after addition, the original instances do not change.
>>> str(sj2)
  • you could subtract two StringJoiner:

>>> sj1 = StringJoiner()
>>> sj1.add_multi("e1", "e2", "e3")
{"separator": ",", "prefix": "", "suffix": "", "nelem": 3, "str_length": 8, "elements": ["e1", "e2", "e3"]}
>>> sj2 = StringJoiner()
>>> sj2.add_multi("e2", "e3", "e4")
{"separator": ",", "prefix": "", "suffix": "", "nelem": 3, "str_length": 8, "elements": ["e2", "e3", "e4"]}
>>> sj1_2 = sj1 - sj2
>>> str(sj1_2)
>>> sj2_1 = sj2 - sj1
>>> str(sj2_1)
__init__(separator=', ', prefix='', suffix='') → None

Initializes a StringJoiner instance. :param separator: The separator to be used. Default value is comma :param prefix: The prefix to be used. Default value is empty :param suffix: The suffix to be used. Default value is empty


TypeError: if any of the separator, prefix, or suffix is not of type str.

property separator

provides access to separator. Readonly attribute.


the string used as separator

property prefix

provides access to the prefix. Readonly attribute.


the string used as prefix

property suffix

provides access to the suffix. Readonly attribue.


the string used as suffix

classmethod _isReadOnly(name: str) → bool
property nelem

number of elements that would be join together. Readonly attribute.


an integer showing number of elements that would be joined together.


Return str(self).

_setIdx(idx: int) → int
add(value: Any, idx=None)

adds an element to the list that are going to be joined.

  • value – the value that is going to be added to the list. Note that regardless of the type of the value the list would always add str(value) to the list and not the value itself. So, always a string representation of the value is added.

  • idx – An optional integer suggesting where in the list this value should be added. If not provided, the value is added at the end of the list.


the same instance of the StringJoiner, so you could use it in a chain call.


Using Chain add:

>>> sj = StringJoiner()
>>> sj.add("first element").add("second element")
add_multi(*values, idx=None)

The same as sj.add, however, you would be able to provide multiple entry at the same time.

  • values – the values that are going to be added to the list

  • idx – the index to start inserting the values.


the same instance of the StringJoiner, so you could use it in a chain call.

remove(value) → None

removes a value, if it is in the list.


value – The value, whose string representation needs to be removed.


ValueError: if the value is not found in the list.


The same as .remove, this function tries to remove the value that are provided. Note that this function does not raises a ValueError if the value is not in the list.


values – the values that are supposed to be removed.


a list of string, with those elements that were removed from the StringJoiner


Could be used to remove multiple elements by their index. This does not produces an IndexError. Also note that you could remove one element at a time as you do with regular lists.


  • removing multiple elements:

>>> sj.remove_by_index(1,3,4)
  • removing one element at a time:

>>> del sj[1]
>>> del sj[3]
>>> del sj[4]

indices – list of indices that are supposed to be removed.


list of indices that were successfully removed.


TypeError: if any of the indices are not integer.

merge(o_iterable, idx=None) → None

merges the elements of another iterable object or another StringJoiner to this instance.

  • o_iterable – The other iterable object that its elements are supposed to be merged with this one.

  • idx – The starting index to merge. This could be used to merge another iterable in the middle of the current one. If not provided, the merge happens at the end of the current elements.